PoseNet2Scratch is an extension for detecting body parts of people in front of the camera. It's returning the position of each body parts and how many people are in front of the camera.
This extension is a Scratch extension developed by 石原淳也(Junya Ishihara).
Screenshot from project https://www.adacraft.org/project/276271860302217729
Here are some adacraft projects that use the PoseNet2scratch extension:
A simple example that uses PoseNet2scratch for face detection to add moving stars around your head.
A project with a virtual character that follows your face.
Create art by drawing with your nose.
Create art by drawing with your eyes.
Here is a more advanced example. It's a project where each body part is drawn as a colored circle on the screen.
Here is a more advanced example. It's a video game that uses body detection. The player has to do the right position in the same time the game shows it to gain the best score.